Frequently Asked Questions

What is Spaceport America Cup?

The Spaceport America Cup is the world's largest intercollegiate rocketry challenge formulated in conjunction with ESRA- Experimental Sounding Rocket Association which is conducted every year in the month of June in New Mexico, USA

What is Adyant?

Our first rocket is named "Adyant", which in Sanskrit means from beginning to end, is a high power solid propellant rocket capable of carrying a 4 kg payload to a target altitude of 10,000 ft using commerical of the shelf (COTS) solid motor

What is the target altitude and top speed of Adyant?

The flight mission is to reach an altitude of 10,000 ft above ground level . It's speed exceeds Mach 0.9

Who can be a part of the team?

Any IITB student, be it a fresher or a PhD scholar, can be a part of the team. The team also has experienced faculty advisors and mentors from ISRO

What is the rocket made of?

The rocket's airframe will be composed of fiber glass. For our first stint at the competition, we are only allowed to go with conventional approaches like using the commercially available solid rocket motor, given the high risks associated with building and launching rockets

What are the Rocket's specifications?

The rocket will be 220 cm long with a diameter of 15cm and weighing 23723 grams

What is team target's for SA Cup 2024

The launch of Adyant at SA Cup, New Mexico in June 2023 has been an invaluable experience for the team. Moving forward, the team is in progress of building an advanced version of Adyant, featuring an experimental payload, airbrakes, reefing mechanism in parachutes and a solid propellant rocket motor built completely in-house.

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